Our groundbreaking Exoprecise technology, revolutionizing sports around the world.
Basketball Precise-501010
After, removing, our Basketball Precise-501010: "Oooooh! Feels like I'm shooting a beach-ball." - Trevor Bing, Pro Player; NCAA - UC Santa Barbara.
Basketball Precise-501010
"It's good, upper-body got some resistance. It made the shot quicker, for sure... I like it, it's a shooter's gym." - Trevor Bing, Pro Player; NCAA - UC Santa Barbara.
"My forearms and hands are free to move, while stopping my elbows from flying around." - Boston Renegades, Beep-Ball; USA.
Combat Precise-KO
"I can feel that right there. Pushing my shoulder down, bringing the hands straight back to my face." - Preston Parsons, Pro MMA Fighter; Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
Combat Precise-KO
"When you throw it out, it gives tension, and the slack gives you speed on the way back... awesome for muscle memory, I like, it." - Mike "Popezilla" Pope, Pro MMA Fighter; Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
Laser Power ST
"I can't wait to put this thing on and go to work... crushing it." - Eric Thames, MLB Player, Milwaukee Brewers.
"One of the Pony League teams, even though, not an elite junior team, are beating the elite middle school, baseball teams; they are using the Laser Power ST." - South Korea
"Proud of my boy, U/17 All Australian, State League, batting champion, making the All-Star team, another great result for the product, thanks." - Colin Smalpage, proud father of Jack Smalpage
I have identified your hitting trainer as the best for proper upper-body swing mechanics. - Howard Nakagama, Scout, Chicago White Sox ; USA.
"Known for defense, never seen as the power hitter, I hit 2 doubles this weekend, the hardest balls I’ve hit. I'm having fun at the plate, relaxing without feeling exhaustive. The product is a great asset." - NABA, Denver National Adult Baseball Association; USA.
Laser Power ST
"The product is sweet, every guy on the team is ramming balls; I appreciate it. Our number one goal is getting our guys better." - Rusty Mcnamara, Hitting Coach; University Of Hawaii, USA.
Laser Power ST
"Barreling, to the pull side and not getting hook-spin he gets a lot of, at times. It was impressive, the other coach kept raising his eyebrows." - Rusty Mcnamara, Hitting Coach; University Of Hawaii, USA.
Laser Power ST
"When I do this, straight back, I feel the muscle contraction... you're doing the right thing." - Federico Giordani, Team Europe, L.A Dodgers Prospect.
Laser Power ST
"Currently, NC Dinos (Korea Pro Baseball Team) is playing Korean Series Play-Off (Semi-Final) I am meeting the team analyst, introducing the Laser Power ST." - South Korea
Laser Power ST
"I finished the Laser Power ST training and checked the bat speed, swing time, and handle speed. Noticeably all of the records improved." - South Korea
Basketball Precise-501010
"Tightens you up, makes practice more intense, so you get more out of it... I feel stronger, every workout; it will be good to wear." - - Youth Player, Bo Bell Basketball Acadamy; Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
It's helping players get a better feel of how to use their body. - Dwight Malloy, WSN Sports Academy; OHIO, USA.
Laser Power ST
"I'd always go around it, it helped me stay inside." - Jaden Steagall, Tusculum College, Tennessee, USA.
Germany national baseball team manager, Ruggero Bagialemani, trying our Laser Power ST; can't hide the smile on his face. - Euro Baseball Championship, Germany v Netherlands.
Laser Power ST
"When it's on in the cage, you keep hands inside all the time... get out there in the game, you seem to keep your hands inside the ball; a fair bit more." - Jack Smalpage .250 to 380 avg, Western Australia, State League Batting Champion.
Loves The Laser! 2016, Texas Rangers, Scout of the Year; approving our Laser Power ST. - Rick Schroeder
Laser Power ST
"Dear, Mr. Balgera. Saturday, I received these movie clips. All players are elite high school players. They are implementing the Laser Power ST into their program. First of all, review it, and please, give them advice for their future." - South Korea
Combat Precise-KO
"I feel the resistance on my legs when I kick, punching, it brings my elbows right back, good for form; yeah, I like it... it's nice." - Austin Bybee, Jr. MMA/Kickboxing Champion; Tampa Bay.
Baseball Precise-4001
"I felt more level, and stable, getting stronger with the back hip." - Kangaroo Court Baseball Club, Tampa Bay, USA
I will enjoy sharing your product, as I feel casting is the number one issue I see with youth players. - Jim, YouthBaseballTalk.com, Illinois; USA.
Golf Precise-57
"As good as I can hit it, right there... it brings the back elbow to my body." - Recreational Golfer, Georgia, USA.
Laser Power ST
"I’ve also told all our guys they will be getting their own, and they are so pumped. “Really? Oh, that’s awesome coach!” - Rusty Mcnamara, Hitting Coach; University Of Hawaii, USA.
Baseball Precise-4001
"I definitely believe in it as a training tool, keeping everything compact when you throw... and the reduction of injuries to the inside of the shoulder." - Kris Wilson, Former MLB Pitcher
Combat Precise-KO
"It definitely helps keep my elbows nice and tight... this thing's pretty cool, I like it a lot." - Preston Parsons, Pro MMA Fighter; Jacksonville, Florida, USA.